About Candy Station

Candy Station is a haven for candy lovers. We offer a wide selection of over 200 delightful varieties of candy and chocolate. Our unique concept allows you to handpick and mix your favorite treats, paying only for the weight. Join us in indulging your sweet tooth and experiencing the joy of sweetness!

a group of pink frosted donuts sitting on top of a metal cup
a group of pink frosted donuts sitting on top of a metal cup

Our principles


person holding a candy pack on white plastic box
person holding a candy pack on white plastic box


Pay by Weight

pink, blue, and chocolate with sprinkles doughnuts on table
pink, blue, and chocolate with sprinkles doughnuts on table

We offer over 200 delightful varieties of candy and chocolate, ensuring there's something for everyone.

Handpick and mix your favorite candies to create your own sugary masterpiece.

Enjoy the freedom to choose as much or as little candy as you desire, and pay only for what you take.

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